Choice of 25 Foreign Languages With Easiest Learning
What is PowerLingo ?
- PowerLingo is a Library of Foreign Languages Learning Content in Audio Video and Text Format
- PowerLingo is a learning simulation for 25 foreign languages and 5 Indian languages.
- It is a collection of 40-50 methodology for each language which forms an individual course for individual methodology in itself.
- PowerLingo is a Windows Desktop Application used on Stand Alone PC or Multiple PCs in Lab.
- PowerLingo is a live and interactive program.

Benefits for Institutes
- PowerLingo is able to cater to growing need of students w.r.t. Choice Of Languages.
- Improvised Language Setup With Advanced Technology
- Permanent Infrastructure For Languages And Communication.
- More Students Taking Interest In Foreign Languages
- Increase In Cultural Environment On Campus
- Increase In Standard Of Institution
- Easily Adapting To Any Foreign Language Curriculm
Powerlingo is a Facility at Your campus
to enhance foreign languages learning culture
Why Institutes Face Difficulty ?
- Difficult To Source the Language Faculty and Retain.
- Difficult To Choose Which Language to Offer
- Students Demand Different Languages
- Difficult To Have More Languages as faculty not available
- Attendance Not Regular
- Every Year New Hunt For New Faculty
- Difficult To Match Students Schedule
- Poor Response Prompts To Discontinue
- Difficult To Start With Few Students
- No Dedicated Facility/Infrastructure
- No Flexible Schedule Available
- Students Remain Still Deprived !!

Benefits For Learners
- Flexibility Of Timing And Pace Of Learning
- Accessibility To Huge Content
- Flexibility Of Choosing The Language
- Improved Personality
- More Interactive, Open And Frank Person
Powerlingo is a libarary of
foreign languages learning content

enter The World of languages
Start Learning Now
Let The journey of Foreign Languages Learning Begin Now at Campus
how does it work?
is it really effective
Evaluate Yourself. Understand Yourself. Make Your Own Judgement. It has everything that will make you a language expert.

500 GB of total content. More than 500 hours of Learning Content. More Than 500 individual learning modules. That is what HUGE means in PowerLingo.
Huge learning content does it really matter?
Foreign languages learning will be more effective if you have more choices to learn from. What if you dont understand and want to try something new and different?
What if you dont match the pace and speed of teaching of one course? What if you can’t recall ? TRY various modules and then finalise your learning path. Choose from Any Course you are comfortable with.
how do i really learn?
Foreign languages learning requires consistent disciplined efforts and need a systematic approach. PowerLingo acts as a virtual trainer and a guide.
PowerLingo makes the simulation so real that one will start seeing the results within a week.